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 by Alex Larsson


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What is Hyperbolic Stretching?

The Hyperbolic Stretching program, created by Alex Larsson, is a four-week online curriculum that promises to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility through a series of self-paced, 8-minute stretching videos.

The program, which is based on ancient Asian techniques, claims that just 8 minutes of stretching a day can completely remodel your body in one month.The program is divided into four weeks, each week focusing on a different aspect of stretching, starting with the basics and gradually building up to more advanced stretches. The program also includes a daily stretching routine that you can follow at your own pace.

The program is designed to be easy to follow and understand, so you don't need any prior stretching experience to get started. Hyperbolic Stretching program is a comprehensive stretching program that promises to help you achieve maximum flexibility by following an 8-minute stretching routine per day. The program is based on ancient Asian techniques, available in two versions for men and women, comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee and it's accessible for the rest of your life once you purchase it.

Does Hyperbolic Stretching Work?

Hyperbolic Stretching is a unique stretching program that focuses on the development of the pelvic muscle floor. The key to achieving full range of motion and maximum flexibility is to target the pelvic muscles with specific isolation exercises, which can help to switch off the natural "survival reflex" that causes muscles to automatically contract when stretched. By focusing on these specific muscles, you can unlock a new level of muscle elasticity that is often unattainable through traditional stretching methods.

The program is designed to be highly effective, allowing you to strengthen your pelvic muscles in a shorter period of time than conventional stretching regimens. To date, thousands of people have already benefited from this program.

In addition to improving flexibility, Hyperbolic Stretching can also help you to develop the strength and control needed to perform high kicks and splits with ease. Unlike traditional stretching methods, which can weaken muscles over time, Hyperbolic Stretching can help to improve muscle strength and control. By learning the 8-minute flexibility trick, you can quickly and easily improve your overall level of fitness, flexibility and strength.

What is Inside Hyperbolic Stretching

Hyperbolic Stretching takes a multi-tiered approach by offering:
➢ How to do full splits and high kicks in an easy way.
➢ Precisely estimate the number of days you will need to drop into those full splits.
➢ Avoid the single mistake that even experienced athletes make while stretching for static/dynamic flexibility.
➢ Discover the secret to unleashing your full flexibility capabilities.
➢ Discover the secret to increasing your muscle elasticity.
➢ Discover the tricks to quadrupling core strength and overall vitality.
➢ Learn a shortened stretching routine that even the busiest of people can use in the gym, at home, or wherever they happen to be.
➢ Leverage improved flexibility to enhance physical skills, athletic training, and daily living.
➢ Master a 3-second muscle contraction technique that will allow you drop into full splits, kick higher or strike advanced yoga poses.
➢ Improve overall flexibility by stretching for just six minutes per week.
➢ Learn an effective muscle warm-up routine that will maximize your muscle strength and competitive performance.
➢ Incorporate a full-body flexibility regimen into your routine that will keep you flexible for the rest of your life.

Benefits of Hyperbolic Stretching

1. Increased flexibility
Flexibility refers to the range of motion that your body is capable of. A good stretch workout will help you increase your body's range of motion. It may greatly increase the range of motion and amount of flexibility in your body.

2. Strengthen muscles
Hyperbolic Stretching delivers an 8-minute stretching practice that improves muscles such as pelvic floor muscles, core muscles, and lower body muscles.

3. Mindfulness
Hyperbolic Stretching has even been shown to be effective in treating chronic stress and depression in some circumstances. As for the company's claims, they also said on their website that the program provides mental health advantages and promotes a healthy mindset. Stretching is generally related to mental relief, especially when combined with deep breathing.

4. Strong core
It improves your physical fitness by increasing your core strength. You'll develop rock-solid glutes as well as fitness in the calves and thighs. It heals muscular and connective tissue damage.


Bonus #1 - Full Side Split Video Series (Worth $49)
- This program uses special no-equipment home routines. Anyone can learn full side split, open and relieve hips, and power up pelvic strength using this program. Discover the little-known secret that makes you flexible, giving you control over the most difficult moves.

Bonus #2 - Full Front Split Video Series (Worth $49)
- Make your hamstrings and hip flexors fully elastic while increasing their strength and power at the same time. Perfect for complete beginners and advanced practitioners, this science-based routine will also help you relieve your back, boost lower body strength and improve your body posture.

Bonus #3 - Dynamic Flexibility And Stretching (Worth $49)
- Implement this highly effective stretching routine into your training regimen to improve power, strength and gain full lower body elasticity for dancing techniques or explosive 180-degree split kicks. Discover why dynamic flexibility improves blood circulation, maximize range of movement and accelerate your kicking speed.

Bonus #4 - Complete Upper Body Stretching (Worth $49)
- This complete upper body stretching routine is suitable for beginners and advanced weightlifters who need to regain lost flexibility or rehabilitate from training injury. Discover how to effectively improve flexibility of your shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps and upper back muscles using safe and incremental approach.

Bonus #5 - Pike Mastery (Worth $49)
- This complex stretching position can increase flexibility of lower back, glutes and hamstrings from different angle. Discover why people who can actually do full front splits are often unable to do a full pike and how to achieve this position in the shortest amount of time.

Bonus #6 - Easy Bridge (Worth $49)
- Effective for adults of all age categories and body types, this progressive stretching method improves shoulder mobility and strength, powers up your lower back and makes your abdominal muscles strong and flexible. Ability to do a full bridge also helps improve kicking and dancing techniques, relieving spinal tension along the way.


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